Отримайте/надайте підтримку для біженців з України.

Інтеграція біженців з України через мовну та емоційну підтримку за допомогою взаємодії між біженцями, волонтерами та організаціями.

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SPEAK солідарний з народом України

Якщо Вам потрібна допомога або Ви хочете її запропонувати, дайте нам знати, і ми надамо Вам відповідну можливість.

Мені потрібна допомога.

Якщо Ви з України, ми тут, щоб якимось чином Вас підтримати. Візьміть участь у групах мовної та емоційної підтримки, щоб допомогти собі і своїй родині інтегруватися у Вашу нову спільноту.

Мені потрібна допомога

Я хочу допомогти.

Привітайте біженців у своєму місті. Забезпечте перекладацьку підтримку для організацій або очольте мовні групи, щоб допомогти біженцям з України інтегруватися в їхні нові спільноти.

Я - організація.

Якщо Ви - організація або фізична особа, яка потребує підтримки, Ви можете дати контакти біженців, зареєструватися, щоб зв’язатися з волонтерами-перекладачами зі спільноти SPEAK, а також отримати доступ до груп емоційної підтримки.

Programa de DE&I feito à medida

Não há uma solução one-size-fits-all no que toca à implementação de programas de diversidade e inclusão focados no impacto no local de trabalho. Sejam os seus objetivos focados em neurodiversidade, deficiência, feminismo intersectional ou diversidade social, trabalhamos consigo para desenvolver uma estratégia que permita atingir os seus objetivos específicos.

Metodologia Testada

Oferecemos soluções de D&I transformacionais através de uma metodologia testada na comunidade que tem sido continuamente desenvolvida e melhorada ao longo de 10 anos. Os nossos programas de D&I são focados em impacto real e transformação para todas as suas equipas: de liderança, executiva, RH ou todos os colaboradores.

Praticamos O Que Defendemos

No SPEAK, enquanto equipa diversa, temos experiência na criação de espaços inclusivos em ambientes multiculturais. Trabalhamos com uma rede de ativistas e membros representativos da comunidade numa abordagem de contínua aprendizagem e mudança de comportamentos.

Comece com 3 simples passos.


Compreender as suas necessidades.

Vamos realizar uma análise prévia às práticas e políticas de diversidade, equidade e inclusão já existentes na sua empresa.


Estabelecer uma estratégia.

Com a sua contribuição, vamos definir objetivos e um plano de ação explícitos que vão relacionar-se com a visão e objetivos de D&I da sua empresa.


Iniciar a sua D&I Journey

Vamos começar uma série de programas de diversidade e inclusão virtuais ou presenciais para criar uma cultura mais inclusiva no seu local de trabalho.

Our Services

Choose just the services you need, or build an all-inclusive package

Melhorar performance e resultados

Our comprehensive budget planning services help you allocate your funds more clearly and effectively.

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Writing Services

When you need to make a case for your business, we'll help you tell your story powerfully and persuasively.

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Security Auditing

Don't leave the security of your data up to chance. Let us identify any weak spots so your company stays safe.

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Industry Reports

Subscribe to our quarterly reports to get key insights into the future of your industry before competitors.

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24/7 Phone Support

If you're the DIY type but want occasional help getting started, our phone support service is for you.

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Consulting Sessions

Whether for an hour or a day, we'll sit down with you and your team to build a complete strategy for success.

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Weekly Check-ins

Stay on track with regular check-in sessions, ideal for busy execs who just need more hours in the day.

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Onsite Seminars

Does your whole team need training? Let us come to your office and lead a seminar designed just for you.

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Meet Our Team

Phill Banks Financial Consulting is a privately owned and operated consulting firm dedicated to financial management and eliminating small business debt. Our goal is to make ourselves obsolete. We provide you with a tailored financial strategy to get your business on track financially, and set up automated account management, so you won't need us anymore.

Meet the financial experts below!

Lynn Davis


Lynn entered the financial world after running finances for her own small business. She recognized the struggles so many small businesses have when trying to juggle finances and their day-to-day tasks. So she went back to school to study accounting, and began working with the practice shortly after.

Phill Banks

Founder and President

The founder of Phill Banks Financial Consulting, Phill is dedicated to the financial wellness of each and every business owner who walks through the door. Phill opened his practice 10 years ago to be a knowledgeable haven for small businesses of all stages to address their financial needs.

Cassie Smith

Lead Financial Consultant

Carolyn is known around the office as "the miracle worker." With 6 years of experience, she can look at your statements and pinpoint exactly what's hurting your business and why. She specializes in financial planning and account automation, ensuring business financial reports run smoothly.

O que dizem as empresas.

"Este ano de trabalho em conjunto permitiu-nos fazer uma evolução notável na maturidade do diálogo sobre Diversidade e Inclusão dentro da empresa, obrigada SPEAK."

- Responsável pelo projeto DEI - Uma das Big 4 empresas de consultadoria

"O projeto coordenado pela SPEAK tem contribuído muito para o nosso desenvolvimento pela forma como conduz e nos desafia durante os workshops e pelos próprios materiais que partilha connosco."

- Participante do Diversity Lab - Empresa um das Big 4

Про нас.

SPEAK – це імпакт-стартап, заснований у Португалії в 2014 році як рішення для боротьби з соціальною ізоляцією мігрантів і біженців. Ми об’єднуємо новачків і місцевих жителів через мовний та культурний обмін досвідом, що є ключовим для допомоги новачкам, аби вони почувалися інтегрованими в їхнє нове місто.

Наша спільнота налічує понад 61 000 людей у ​​23 містах, у тому числі понад 800 українців по всій Європі.

What our clients say


"As a one-woman shop, I desperately needed someone else to manage my business finances. I've gotten some of the best advice from Phill Banks Financial Consulting. Literally life changing. You have to give him a try!"

- Martha Spellton, WriteOn Copywriting


"Our company recently underwent a huge shift in management—we’re so grateful Phill Banks Financial Consulting was there to keep everyone up to speed."

- Louis Costello, Tiny Tennis Co.


"If you have been trying to do your finances by yourself, you don't know what you're missing. Phill Banks Financial Consulting will impress you. They massively improved the efficiency of our processes, then helped us document them so we can keep excelling."

- Roger Williams, Arlo Agency

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